Wednesday 27 November 2013

TOP 3 Portable Light

How Textile help the poor? Textile is about new technology and traditional technique. In this world, there are many developing countries without resources, especially electricity. Portable Light Project has provided them electricity by using solar powered fabric. A reflective textile, A flexible photovoltaic, a battery case with USB port and a LED light is needed. Fabric is used as a media to emit light, photovoltaic absorb the sunlight in daytime in order to convert sunlight into electricity and store it in the battery case for night time and charging electrical products. This project no only just helped poor children in their education (reading in dark), it can also save lives. With a portable battery, it can provide electricity to medical devices which can save lives by giving out stable and more electricity resources. Although it is a small helping hand to developing countries, it can accelerate the developing process.

children study with portable light

portable light with working

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