Thursday 28 November 2013

TOP 4 Working with traditional skills ( Ted- TEN 7 – Design for Ethical Production)

In our first year lecture, we have also discussed about sustainable design. The speaker has mentioned as a designer we can obtain and inspired different traditional skills around the world, but we also need to do something to pay back those community. We may set up a production line in those places, in order to create job opportunities for local people as well as helping countries to develop. For example, Leila Hafzi, who is a sustainable designer, created her winter 2009 in Nepal. She imported chinese and indian silks to Nepal for painting and dyeing. Traditional skilled Thanka painters are hired to created her prints on fabric. Besides, she adopted a low-impact dyes and a closed circuit water management system to reduce the harmfulness of the earth. It is very impressive for us to look at all these incredible designs.  

Leila Hafzi winter 2009

 Leila Hafzi winter 2009

Leila Hafzi winter 2009

Brown. S, (2010) Eco Fashion
Leila Hafzi

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